Land Without Limits - Media

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Destination Development Advisory Committee

REO Rafting | Eco Escape Travel

The Committee will provide strategic advice to the CCCTA Board, CEO and staff and support and advise on the communication and implementation of the Destination Development Strategies for the entire CCCTA as well as the Interlakes, Gold Rush Trail, and Chilcotin Central Coast planning areas.


Kat Chatten Village of Clinton
Julie Gilmore South Cariboo Visitor Centre 
Dave Jorgenson White Gold Adventures/Frog on the Bog
Brent Rutherford New Pathways to Gold
Donn Irwin Retreat Wilderness Inn 
Amy Reid City of Quesnel
Roxanne Robinson Spirit Bear Lodge
Kelly Servinski Tutti Gravel Inn
Mike Retasket Board Liaison - Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism

Read more on destination development strategies here.

Read news release here.