Destination Development Advisory Committee
REO Rafting | Eco Escape TravelThe Committee will provide strategic advice to the CCCTA Board, CEO and staff and support and advise on the communication and implementation of the Destination Development Strategies for the entire CCCTA as well as the Interlakes, Gold Rush Trail, and Chilcotin Central Coast planning areas.
Kat Chatten
Village of Clinton
Kat is the Community Development Coordinator for Clinton, and she wants to help with the development and implementation of strategies that will impact local businesses, Clinton’s marketing and the development of local amenities.
Julie Gilmore
South Cariboo Visitor Centre
Julie worked on a wide range of sustainable tourism projects on behalf of the 100 Mile Development Corporation. The Catalyst Project, The Gold Rush Trail, and local Mountain Bike Trails have all shown the importance of incorporating sustainability into efforts to grow tourism and local visitor attractions.
Dave Jorgenson
White Gold Adventures/Frog on the Bog
Dave is a guide/accommodation provider/retailer with 25 years of experience in the North Cariboo. He’s working to strengthen the tourism sector and increase visits to the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast through integration with the efforts of other regions.
Brent Rutherford
New Pathways to Gold
Donn Irwin
Retreat Wilderness Inn
Amy Reid
City of Quesnel
Amy is responsible for the City of Quesnel’s Economic Development Transition Strategy which includes a destination development pillar. Her goal is to look for opportunities for local/regional collaboration/alignment and strengthen regional partnerships.