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Regional Trails Strategy

Gold Rush Trail | Jonny Bierman

Regional Trails Strategy


The Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA) is developing a Regional Trails Strategy to ensure that trail development and management in the region harnesses the full range of economic development opportunities, as well as their many social, cultural, and environmental benefits. 

The final Regional Trails Strategy will provide the CCCTA and its partners with a framework to guide strategic development & management of trails within the region for a period of ten years, aligning with the Regional and Planning Area Destination Development Strategies.

The CCCTA has engaged Larose Research & Strategy (Peter Larose) and McElhanney Ltd (Ted Morton) to manage the project, which will run from November 2021 to April 2022. 

Goals and Outcomes

The Regional Trails Strategy will: 


  • Systematically engage with local governments, Indigenous communities, and trails stakeholders & users to assess their trail-related opportunities and challenges; 
  • Identify best practices, tools, and resources to assist communities with trail development, management, and funding/governance; 
  • Strategically identify priorities for trails-related investments throughout the region, including new trail development, maintenance, and possibly decommissioning. 


Guiding Principles 

Recognizing the importance of trails to the history and culture of the region, and the increasing value of trails in supporting healthy lifestyles, Indigenous reconciliation, and nature-based tourism / outdoor recreation, the project is utilizing a thorough engagement and analysis process guided by the following principles: 
  • Inclusivity – ensuring all voices and perspectives are included, using a combination of IAP2 public engagement processes, and Indigenous engagement protocols (“Working in a Good Way” and the Indigenous Food Sovereignty Working Group’s “Cross-Cultural Protocols”).  
  • Respect – recognizing and respecting that all types of trails have value to groups and individuals, whether they are motorized or non-motorized, recreation-focused or culture/business-focused. 
  • Local Knowledge – acting with the understanding that local communities know their issues and opportunities best, and managing thorough engagement processes to gather this vital input
  • Solutions-focus – seeking to identify practical solutions that results in maximum benefits for all. 
If you have any questions about the project, or would like to give input, please contact Rodrigo Landim, Director of Marketing, at