Land Without Limits - Media

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this were a real emergency...


Dog Creek Valley | Michael Bednar

Travel Guide

The CCCTMA provides marketing services to help ensure your business catches the eyes of as many customers as possible. Feature your business in our Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Travel Guide, and pique the interest of tourists and travellers looking for places to stay and adventures to go on. Distributed all over the Pacific Northwest, the annual Travel Guide is also one of the key pieces used in our overseas promotion of the region. Regularly requested by travellers and businesses alike, the Travel Guide is a fantastic repository of what we offer in the region from sights, guides, businesses, festivals & events and more. See this year’s Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Travel Guide here.  

Regional Map Pads

Also, advertise your business on our Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Map Pad, where tourists will look first for information on their travelling experience. Both our Travel Guide and Map Pad are distributed all throughout the province. While not for actual navigation, our map pads are the perfect tactile guide for getting around our region and familiarizing yourself with our backyard.

CCCTA BellaCoola @jesajaclass

Media Kit

Both our Travel Guide and Regional Map Pads are now available in our Media Kit. For more information, please contact our office by phone 250-392-2226.