Land Without Limits - Media

This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. If this were a real emergency...

Sustainability Committee

Flowers | Tyler Cave

Sustainable Tourism Advisory Committee

Call for Nominations

We are looking for members for our Sustainable Tourism Advisory Committee. If you or someone you know are interested please use the nomination form here and email completed form to

The purpose and mandate of the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Sustainable Tourism Advisory Committee (“the Committee) is to inform, coordinate, energize and generate work synergies between the agents and entities that constitute the tourism sector of Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Destination. In addition, this committee will provide strategic advice around sustainable tourism to the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association (CCCTA) Board, CEO and staff. Specifically, the committee supports and advises on the following:

  • Biosphere Certification action plan and the implementation of Destination Stewardship activities and projects
  • Annual renewal of Biosphere Destination Certification
  • Adoption of sustainability principles and activities throughout the entire tourism value chain

Nomination forms here. Once complete please email the form to:

Governance documents here.

Information on Sustainability and Biosphere click here.

For more information please email Rehan:

Committee Members

See Bio’s of current Committee members here.

Press release April 22, 2022 (Earth Day) announcing Committee members here.


For more information please email Rehan: