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Digital Competitiveness Bundle

Up your Digital Game through our FREE Digital Competitiveness Bundle!

Get Started. Submit Your FORM.

If you have already connected your business as a stakeholder, you are pre-approved to participate! Just submit your form below. Signing up for the program takes 10 minutes.

If you still need to connect your business as a stakeholder, click the button below to start that process first and begin the approval process for the Digital Services Bundle at the same time.

Not a LWL Partner Yet? Sign Up Here   Sign Up for the Digital Services Bundle Now!

*Due to our commission-free booking engine and consumer site being funded by Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT) dollars, businesses within the City of Quesnel and the District of Wells are not eligible for services noted with an asterisk below. They are eligible for all other services under this program and we encourage all to apply!

Project Overview

We’re “e-gearing” up as a region so that our tourism businesses can better compete with the rest of BC and the world! To do this, the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association will be providing all of our stakeholders with FREE digital upgrades, expert technical installation, and increased visibility through a free online booking platform.

The Game: 

To make our tourism businesses more competitive in an increasingly digital world and a hyper-competitive domestic marketplace. To take the cost, time, and energy off your shoulders so you can dedicate your precious time to running your business while we take care of the digital pre-game.

How much does it cost to play? 

It’s FREE for eligible tourism businesses** within the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region! No catch. The recovery of our tourism industry depends on our tourism businesses being ready to compete stronger than ever. 

**eligible tourism businesses include overnight accommodation options and recreational tourism experience providers within Cariboo Chilcotin Coast regional boundaries.

What do you get?

Data and Insights

Installation of free data collection and analysis tools to make sure you are gathering important insights about your customers and the effectiveness of your website, social media accounts and marketing efforts.


Creation and optimizations for your business on Google My Business, Bing Places, Tripadvisor, HelloBC, and* so you are in front of as many eyes as possible.

Direct Bookings

Access and integration into our commission-free online booking engine through Either via your existing GDS, or we’ll help with matching and onboarding you to a property management solution that allows you access to third-party booking platforms.*

COVID-19 Compliance

Uploading your COVID-19 Safety Plan to your website to comply with Provincial Health Office orders.

Password Tools

A free online password management tool to keep all your passwords secure and available at your fingertips when you need them!

Expert Assistance

A team of professionals to guide you through the process and take care of the technical installations for you.

*Due to our commission-free booking engine and consumer site being funded by Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT) dollars, businesses within the City of Quesnel and the District of Wells are not eligible for these specific services. They are eligible for all other services under this program.

The goals for your business:

Score online bookings, win digital fans and be better positioned to compete in the domestic marketplace. Create digital assets that will allow you to make better decisions on where to put your valuable marketing dollars.

How much time is on the clock?

We want to have as many businesses ready for the 2021 peak season as possible. Signups start on March 15th and first-round spots in this free program are expected to fill up quickly. The clock is running, so don’t delay!

If you have any questions about the Digital Competitiveness Bundle or if you are unsure if your business is eligible, please email

The Process

STEP 1 – Apply & Prepare

Submit your application form using the link at the top or bottom of the page, gather your passwords and login information, and schedule your consultation.

STEP 2 – Connect

Connect with a Digital Competitiveness expert to arrange access to your digital assets and outline the actions we will complete.

STEP 3 – Implement

Let our team do the hard work! The Digital Competitiveness team will complete the technical steps and update your assets for free!

STEP 4 – Results

You will be provided with information on how to use your new assets and connectivity to start winning more business!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will any changes be made to my website’s code or visuals?

We will NOT be redesigning your website in any way. Unless you ask, the only “code” we will alter is to place a Google Tag Manager tag. There will be no interruption to your normal process and you can still use analytics in the same way as before. The change to Tag Manager will just provide more flexibility and better insights.

I work with a developer for changes to my website.

Ideally, our technical implementation team would be able to access your site and make the changes for you because they are providing the service for free, but we also understand that it may be best in some instances to work with the site developer. We are happy to adapt the process to suit your specific website processes.

Will this process require access to any customer data?

 The bundle is focused on enhancing your existing Analytics and connecting to your existing Global Distribution System (GDS) without having to access sensitive information. Our technical team will require access to your website to install any necessary upgrades, however this does not require access to customer data.

Why do I need Google Analytics

The short answer is so you can measure your ROI. We will help set up a dashboard of key metrics so you can measure the effectiveness of your website, learn more about your guests, and determine where to focus your marketing efforts.

What is Google Tag Manager?

Think of Google Tag Manager (GTM) as a toolbox. We will help you load useful tools, such as Analytics, into the container. Once installed you can easily manage your tools in one location without having to change website code!

What is a Facebook Pixel?

 A Facebook Pixel is like Google Analytics for Facebook. It is a tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your Facebook advertising by understanding the actions people take on your website when they click through.

Get Started. Submit Your FORM.

Not a LWL Partner Yet? Sign Up Here   Sign Up for the Digital Services Bundle Now!

*Due to our commission-free booking engine and consumer site being funded by Municipal and Regional District Tax (MRDT) dollars, businesses within the City of Quesnel and the District of Wells are not eligible for services noted with an asterisk above. They are eligible for all other services under this program and we encourage all to apply!